NUFORC UFO Sighting 38465

Occurred: 1996-07-30 11:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-08-04 12:44 Pacific
Duration: 8minutes approx
No of observers: 0

Location: Gilroy, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Gilroy California

Reference the forwarded photograph taken at the end of July first week of August 1996 time frame. I recently came across this photograph again and scanned it in to my computer, something I did not own when I first arrived in Gilroy; enlarging it for a better view I was intrigued by what I was looking at particularly the straight angular bar at the bottom. I believed that there was a seperation between the two objects in the photo but on showing it to a couple of friends they suggested it was connected, the blue in the middle was the sky reflecting on to what must be a very shiny side of the object.

All the more intriguing, as this was not what I had taken a picture of. I had been working in my kitchen when from outside a white flash caught the corner of my eye turning to see what it was I noticed what I at first thought was a white plastic bag that the sun was giving a brightness to as it was being carried by the wind.

There was no wind this is July/ August in Gilroy Calfornia, as I stood watching trying to figure out what it could be this brilliant white object hovered for a few seconds maybe as long as thirty seconds at times then it would all of a sudden be in a different place in the sky, skipping in zig-zag fashion extremely fast, impossible for anything I had previously believed could travel at such a rate. It would be in one position then literally in a flash a position distant to its original.

I watched this erratic zig-zaging and hovering for maybe six minutes. The object seemed to be getting closer as it appeared to be getting a little larger each time.

I ran to get my camera, returning the object was closer and larger that any time previous and just hovering. I quickly aimed my camera and hoped I had captured something the object simultaneously disappeared.

As you can see there was no no expanse of brilliant white light but the object you see.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-08-11

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