NUFORC UFO Sighting 38398
Occurred: 1977-08-31 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-07-30 00:39 Pacific
Duration: overnight
No of observers: 3
Location: Everton, MO, USA
Report of unexplained events in thearea of previous UFO sighting
In the late summer/early fall of 1977 there were a number of unusual happenings in the area described. This was long before the paranormal was widely accepted, and there was no knowledge of this reporting entity. The report that follows is actually two seperate incidents that occurred within a short time of one another, within 1/4 mile of each other on the same farm.
As a farmer one must always be aware of the conditions of your farm, and everything on it. You must stay aware of your field conditions, your water supply, and the condition of your livestock. You also keep an eye turned to the sky for your weather reports. While checking the fields and livestock one day, my father noticed three large patches of green grass in the northernmost field on our farm. This field was the most secluded part of the farm,sloping down toward the north, away from the nearest roadway over 3/4 of a mile away,and tucked in between huge areas of timber 400 acres to the east and north, and even more meeting it, and wrapping all the way around to the west, stretching on to the south. The patches of grass were round,smoothly round, not irregular, and roughly 6 feet across. The patches were in a perfect triangle shape with approximately 15 to 20 feet between circle. At this time of the year in southwest Missouri, after a long hot summer there is no fresh green grass, with most of the field turning quite brown by this time, and having been grazed down short by the cattle, and sheep. These patches however were dark green and lush, like fresh spring grass,and stood out in sharp contrast with the field around them. There had been no water available other than rain fall, and this was pasture land so it was never fertilized. This same phenomenon was seen in this same at slightly different locations on two or three other times in the years before and after this event. I have no explanation of the cause, but the reports I have been hearing in recent times of the frequent sighting of triagle UFO's struck a chord with me, triggering the memories of these unusual triangles in the grass.
The second incident took place in the field immediatly southeast of where the circles were seen slightly later in the same year, in mid October. When we went to the farm to make our daily stock count, and field check we found what had been one of our sheep. I say it that way because the sheep, 100-120 lb ewelooked as if it had been hit by a giant lawnmower, or as I used to tell peoplel like she was cut to pieces then dropped from a great height. She was scattered like when you take a hand full of confetti,hold up your hand then suddenly open your hand and let it drop. This was not an animal attack. Running a large flock of sheep teaches you the signs of that. Coyotes will attack a single sheep then eat the parts it wants. Dogs run through the flock slashing, and killing as a game often eating nothing. This ewe was very different. There was no blood at the sight, the skull was completely missing, as were the hooves,and heart with most of the rest just looking like it blew up. This was a one time thing,with investigations revealing nothing,but there were wide reports of animal mutilations in the region at this time. I report these incidents here due to the proximity to each other, and the fact we had previously had a good clear UFO sighting over this area, of probably 30+ minutes in duration, and being seen by my extented family, of aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandparents, as well as my immediate family of four.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-08-11
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