NUFORC UFO Sighting 38376

Occurred: 2003-08-03 12:00 Local
Reported: 2004-07-28 14:45 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: In-flight (midwestern U. S.), MT, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

I viewed a small, strange metallic aircraft positioned just under a commercial jet in flight.

on a commercial flight from Seattle to Chicago, approx mid-day, I was seated in a window seat on the right side of the plane. I observed another airliner come into my view, going the opposite direction from my plane. I had a very clear view of the plane for a few seconds as we passed each other. I was surprised to see a completely separate, smaller metallic aircraft positioned just under the commercial jet at the rear section.

I have never seen any other aircraft with this craft's design. Its design revealed an obviously high level of precision, with no visible windows, and some sort of short, swept back wingspan. The craft appeared to be drafting the larger airliner, and very capably flying along with the highest part of its fuselage and tail area approximately 3 feet from the bottom of the airliner.

The craft appeared to be a light brownish gold color.

This is first report I have filed with this information.


In response to your questions:

The jet above the craft in question was a large commercial airliner. It was definitely not a USAF plane, and there was clear daylight between the two crafts. I'm guesstimating that the unidentified craft was approximately 20' to 25' in length, and about 6' vertical height at its thickest point. Its outline from the side view could be described as a hard edged, horizontal teardrop. ((name deleted))


Posted 2004-08-11

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