NUFORC UFO Sighting 38322
Occurred: 2004-07-25 22:07 LocalReported: 2004-07-25 22:57 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Lacey, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Yellow/Red Slow Moving Craft and Two Flashing Starlike Objects Over Lacey, WA
Traveling, by car, north on Ruddell Rd SE, starting at the junction of Ruddell and Yelm Hwy, I noticed a bright yellow light about 40 degrees above the horizon. The light appeared to be traveling slowly south-southwest. I initially thought it was a planet, but it was clearly moving. I then assumed it was an aircraft. However, I could see no other lights and no flashing on the craft. As I turned east onto Mullen Rd I noticed that the light had turned red and appeared elongated. This change prompted me to pull into a parking lot to get a better look. At the same moment I noticed two smaller starlike objects in the same area of the sky. They flashed like strobe lights, and appeared to jump up and down as they continued on their trajectories. There was also an easily identified airplane flying east of the objects, apparently at the same altitude. The objects eventually went behind some tall trees and I lost sight of them.
My conclusions: the red object may have been a blimp or some kind of personal craft. I suspect the craft had a yellow headlight or spotlight, which ceased to be visible as I traveled north and as the craft passed me moving south. The starlike objects could have been very high altitude jets passing over the region coincidentally. Because of the flashing of the starlike objects, it was hard to tell their flight paths. One or both of them may have changed direction, but I am not certain of this.
The main reason I'm reporting this incident is that others in the region may have seen it and may be able to provide more information.
Observer background: I am a hospital manager with an MBA and more than a passing interest in astronomy and the UFO phenomenon.
Posted 2004-08-11
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