NUFORC UFO Sighting 38321

Occurred: 2004-07-25 22:55 Local
Reported: 2004-07-25 22:23 Pacific
Duration: 2-5 Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Abbotsford (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

I saw a light towards me that suddenly went the opposite direction, and fast. A plane would have had to turn around

I was outside on our balcany watching the sunset. We live high up so we can see the lights of vancouver, and then I see a light sort of looked like a star really far to the north-east of Vancouver, and I see this light and I figured it was a plane, but it didint seem to be moving. When you look at a plane you see a blinking light, but this didint have any blinking lights. I knew it was facing me by the way the lights were but suddenly it goes through clouds that are directly behind it. A plane would have had to circle around so within one second I can see it again after it came out of the cloud and it was going faster then any plane ive ever seen it was hard to say what shape it was but if I had to guess I would say Teardrop. It was dark colored

Posted 2004-08-11

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