NUFORC UFO Sighting 37732

Occurred: 2004-06-22 20:30 Local
Reported: 2004-06-22 21:21 Pacific
Duration: 15min
No of observers: 1

Location: Santa Maria, CA, USA

Shape: Unknown

20:30 06/22/04To bright objects just above and north of the moon that disappered within about five mintues of each other.

above and to the right of the crescent moon were what appreared to be two stars about as bright as veins, I'm no pro, but I know they did't belong there. I got out my 4-1/2 reflector telescope, but I could not find them in my spotter scope, so I ran in the house for my binoculars, the objects were still there but appred to have moved apart just a little. They did not twenkle like stars,just solid steady lights. I tried again to find them with my telescope (my spotter is durty and out of focus) I looked up with my naked eye to see how close I was and one of them was gone, that was about 20:40, it was only then that I noticed Jupiter was visable, I had no problem finding it with my telescope, then turned back to the last object looked at it then into the spotter scope again, still couldn't see, then look again with my naked eye and it was gone too, at aprox 20:45.

Posted 2004-06-23

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