NUFORC Sighting 37434

Occurred: 2003-11-15 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-06-06 22:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Irmo, SC, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Strange Hovering Object

Me and my friend T were driving from his house to my brothers house. On the way, T (riding in the passanger seat)noticed a bright light and it appeared to be dropping into the atmosphere. He said "Oh my God, a bomb is dropping!". By the time I directed my attention to the object (only a split moment later), we were just coming to the top of a small hill, and at first, I thought it was a street light (it was the same color as a streetlight). I told T to stop pulling my leg, and then he said "look!" and the object was moving off to the right.

As we continued down the road, we seemed to be gaining on the object. We continued forward into a Publix parking lot(It was relatively empty, because it had just closed). At that point, the object was hovering right over the treeline (however many feet up is impossible to tell), and, if I were to guess, I'd say it was close enough to see us. We were behind the grocery store looking at the object in amazement. We both stepped out of the car to get a better look, and the object seemed to be slowly getting closer. Me and my friend got a good look at the object: It was surrounded by a series of maybe 10 or 12 smaller lights (from what I remember, they were neon bluish), and in the middle of the circle there was a significantly bigger orangeish/red light.

The object got closer and closer to us, untill there was no doubt in our minds that it wasn't hovering there by coincidence, it must have known we were almost right under it! After a few minutes of hovering, it took off in a blur. T and I were confused as to which direction it went in. Neither of us could agree as to which way it went, therefore, we had no clue as to which road to take to follow it. The craft made no noticeable noise.

There was a series of strange occurances that took place for a couple of weeks after the sighting, the first one being later that night/next morning: I fell asleep at T's house that night. When I awoke (~5am) I jumped up in fright from the bean bag chair I fell asleep in, and quickly woke my friend. I didn't know why I was so worked up. I didn't recall any particularly scary dreams, in fact, I didn't recall any dreams at all.

A few days later, I awoke to my door slamming shut (~11am). There was nobody home at the time, nor had there been for hours.

While I was undressing to take a shower, I looked at my back in the mirror and there were 2 sets 3 horizontal red lines on the back of my shoulders. One set for each side. I attempted to feel them, but couldn't. They were as smooth as my skin. There were no scabs or anything. I thought they may have been stretch marks, but from my experience with stretch marks, I have always been able to feel their indentation. they were evenly spaced and about 4 inches long.

T's father awoke to a slamming door at around 3am a few days after that. He didn't tell me about it untill I mentioned that it happened to me first.

About 5 months later, me and T were playing videogames. We heard a very strange noise outside his window, and the only way I could describe it was that it sounded painfull and somewhat like a bird and a human scream combined, but not overly loud. We both paused for a few moments, commented on the strangeness of the sound, and continued playing games. I soon went home, but before leaving, Me and T investigated his backyard to see if we could find what made the noise. We found nothing, and I went home that night. The next day T said he had the same marks I had. His brother M said that he awoke to something scurrying around the room when his 1 year old was crying. M thought it was a ghost. I never saw T's marks, cause they healed in like 2 days, where mine took over a weak, so I never got to compare the marks.


Time and date are approximate. PD

Posted 2004-06-18

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