NUFORC Sighting 37432

Occurred: 2003-09-01 23:00 Local
Reported: 2004-06-06 20:25 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Grants Pass, OR, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

We saw a lobed orb over Grants Pass, Oregon, on 9/1/03.

We were watching a jet going north to south over Grants Pass, OR. We noticed two flashes in the area of the jet. A few moments later, Debi, trying so look at the jet through binoculars, accidentally spotted an object following it. It looked like a sphere made up of oval lobes. For a few minutes it followed the jet, then it changed to an easterly course. She followed it into the east, when she lost sight of it.

The next day, ((name deleted)) contacted the nearby Medford International Airport, to see if they had noticed anything following the jet. They took her name and number, saying they would get back to her, which they never did. Later we called and left a phone message for MUFON, but we never heard anything back from them.

A few months prior to witnessing this orb, our 12 year old granddaughter, who was living with us at the time, sold us she had a dream that she was taken out through the cieling of her room. She thought it was just a dream, but the nest day we saw a group of perfectly round bruises on the area of her back near her coccx. She did not remember any play or other activity which could have caused such uniform, round bruises. We took her to her doctor, but he was unable to identify any possible cause. He and his colleagues had never seen anyhting like them.

A few weeks later, my wife had a similar dream. I think she needs to share it with someone. She was taken through the ceiling into a bright, oval room. She was on a metallic table, and a device emerged from the ceiling. Three bright beams of light came from it, focussing on her stomach. Then, she awoke back in our home, on her bed. After she shared her dream with me, I noticed a large deep bruise on the right side of her naval, with three hole-marks in a triangular shape. This made us wonder if it was a dream, or did it really happen? I am a psychologist and I do testing for the State of Oregon, and my wife is an intelligent, mature woman. We are not given to wild imagination or conspiracy theories.

We have reason to believe that aliens have been abducting other members of her family, including her mother, a sister and at least one brother (who won't speak about it). If anybody would like to know more details, we would like to share them.

Posted 2004-06-18

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