NUFORC UFO Sighting 37380

Occurred: 2004-04-05 02:14 Local
Reported: 2004-06-05 10:35 Pacific
Duration: 4 mins +
No of observers: 2

Location: Derby (UK/England), , United Kingdom

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Left a trail, Aircraft nearby

2 cigar shaped objects moving across the early morning sky in an un natural mannor and motion.

The 2 UFO's were seen while i was outside on the back garder with my telescope. The objects were not seen through the LX200 but with eye only. They were orange in colour at a height of a high flying aircraft, between 30,000 and 40,000 feet. They were traveling side by side at an in determinate distance away from each other, (possably 200 to 500 feet. estimated guess only) They did not display any lights but the entire craft exterior glowed in a vibrant, almost luminessant sorange.

they moved in a westery direction accross the night sky, originating in the area of Ursa Major, at a relativly slow speed for about 3 minits. then they both stopped and appeared to honer in the same spot for at least 1 more minit + and then appeared to shoot directly up to leave the atmosphere in a approximately 70 degree angle in an in determinate speed... they were amazingly fast...leaving 2 streaks of light accross the sky(1 from each craft). these were the only trails of light left behind and only stayed there for a very short second.

Being an astromomer i know the difference between a satellite, aircraft, shooting star, meteor, star, planet etc. These objects what ever they were, were obviously under an inteligent influance as there movements were un natural. They could in no way be a craft, probe or other devic of this world as the speed in which they travelled accross the sky no human could stand in a piloted craft.

A passenger plane was in a relative possition to have possably seen it.

Shortly after the object left the atmosphere or dissapeared from sight, 2 high powered jets flew over at a high altitude and headed towards the rough area of my last visual sighting of the objecs.

If it could have been picked up by radar, then east midlands airport, only 10 miles from my location would have picked it up at some point.

Posted 2004-06-18

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