NUFORC UFO Sighting 37032
Occurred: 2004-02-11 22:45 LocalReported: 2004-05-18 20:32 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Wiaheke Island (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
New Zealand 11/2/04 Blue object moving fast and chaning direction - 2 witnesses
Location = Wiaheke Island(off Auckland New Zealand) Date = 11/2/04 Time = 10.45pm Background I was on my honeymoon, when my wife sighted a blue object in the sky, which was moving erratically and then stopped. At this point she raised the sighting with me and I grabbed my digital camera an Olympus 3.2 mega pixel camera and took 3 shots.
A sky reference point was to the right of the big dipper.
The object moved in a course right to left finishing just below the big dipper then disappeared, before it disappeared it had changed direction and appeared to be heading away from us.
We were standing outside our accommodation, which commanded extra ordinary views out to sea. (Giverny Inn) When we looked later at the pictures, after arriving back in Australia they appeared to be just as blue specks, that is until we enlarged the pictures.
Please examine the attachments , I have save the originals on my camera's ram card.
Posted 2004-06-04
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