NUFORC UFO Sighting 36879

Occurred: 2004-05-09 00:40 Local
Reported: 2004-05-12 22:03 Pacific
Duration: 05 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Northern High Prairie (Canada), AB, Canada

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

It was a ball of light , kinda like a plane light,But it suddenly had a trail of sparksand made no noise..

We were going home heading North of High Prairie and on the west side of us .in front of our vehichle,We noticed a thing in the sky that looked like a plane at first, but the only thing was that it had a ball form of light.And I know planes usually have other lights on them.any way it went over the road and looked like sparks were coming out of the end of the object.

it kinda moved like it was going to come down ,but it kept going through and by the time it got towards the east end of the road, it still had a long trail of sparks and then it dissapeared..I had opened my window to see if I could here any noise but it was quiet.Hopefully it will show on the news what this object or light thing was??..

Posted 2004-06-04

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