NUFORC UFO Sighting 36876

Occurred: 1986-08-01 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-05-12 20:21 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 0

Location: Lawton (Bankson Lake), MI, USA

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

giant craft move slowly over lake It suddenly flashed brightly and went out. There was a wavy pattern behind it./eyes burned and watery

I did not see the craft but heard about it the weekend following the event. It was 1986 and until rescently I havent been able to pin point the exact date I think I have come close and on target..

The craft was seen over Bankson Lake in Lawton Michigan.. I was told by my neighber it was diamond shaped and lit the night sky up like the sun.. I am been currently over the last 10 month trying to investigate the matter.. I find the entire incedent fasinating.. I came accress an article in the Kalamazoo gizzette and it read as follows..

MICHIGAN, BANKSONS LAKE, nr. LAWTON 2230 Source: Gazette, Kalamazoo, MI., Sept. 2, 1986 John Long and Richard Jandura saw a giant craft move slowly over the lake where they were fishing. It suddenly flashed brightly and went out. There was a wavy pattern in the air behind it. Their eyes burned and watered for several days after the event.

EFFECTS: Eyes burned and watery I have someone on the lake willing to sit down and tell me what she saw.. She did tell me that it had three lights.. Her and her daughter went out in the middle of the lake to watch the craft...


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-06-04

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