NUFORC UFO Sighting 36860

Occurred: 2004-05-08 09:30 Local
Reported: 2004-05-12 08:17 Pacific
Duration: 30 min
No of observers: 3

Location: Wekiva, FL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

three lights in the sky motionless for an hour

May 8th 2004 at about 9:30 P.M. Three lights in a horizontal row. Main light in center and to outer lights just slightly smaller. At first I thought it was a plane. We were sitting on the back patio of my friends house when I looked into the sky (have to go back to his house to figure out North, South, East, or West) and I saw these 3 lights. Like I said, at first I thought it was a plane. But as I watched I saw no blinking lights, and it apeared to be still. There was a, what I would expect to see in the movies, a radient blur of energy surrouning the objects. Don't know that it was energy, just light blur. I did not say anything to the other two guys who were talking for about 5 minutes when I was sure that it was not moving. I asked them what they thought it was. Of course they said a plane at first but I told them it was not moving. Then they said maybe it is coming at us so it is hard to determine if it is moving or not. I said I don't think so because at this point I had already been watching it for about 7 minutes. In that time, I saw at lease 3 planes fly within the same perimeter. It would surprise me to find out if i was the only sighting of this that night. I continued to watch for the next hour. I would go inside and about every 1.5 - 2 minutes I would go back and check. It never moved or changed position. I used an opening in some trees in the backyard as reference. Hard to say how far away they were but to guess I would say 5 miles. Finally after about an hour of watching this I returned to look and it was gone. I could not see it anywhere in the sky. Keep in mind my view was limited to a space in the backyard, however if these lights were just stars, I had enough of a view to be able to see them change position for a good few hours. Then my friend emailed me the mexican piolet sighting that happend in March I beleive. and the group of 3 lights is exactly what I saw, although there was only one group that I saw.

Posted 2004-06-04

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