NUFORC UFO Sighting 36843

Occurred: 2001-06-15 16:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-05-11 14:40 Pacific
Duration: five minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Glenview, IL, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Changed Color, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

I saw a small color changing object that suddeny showed up, then dissapered.

I was outside looking up at the sky, when I saw a small object, about 100 feet up, appear out of no where. It hovered there for about two minutes, then slowly moved northeast. Then it stopped and came closer to the ground, about 80 feet, and spun around in place. Then all of a sudden it dissapered. I was listsneing to my radio, while i was watching this event, and it became fuzzy, then stopped working. I also noticed my brother's brand new Jetta not working. when the object dissapered evreything worked again. While i was watching, i also noticed it change color, from red to white, then white to red again. I noticed that a helicopter was following this object. It made no sound. The sky was clear with no clouds, or haze, and it was sunny and summertime.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-06-04

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