NUFORC UFO Sighting 36789
Occurred: 2004-05-05 22:00 LocalReported: 2004-05-08 19:37 Pacific
Duration: 10-12 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Stuart (FL Turnpike MM 128), FL, USA
Shape: Light
Traveling south on Fla Turnpike saw two very large bright lights stationary as we drove under them.
While traveling south on the Florida Turnpike approaching mile marker 128, Wednesday evening, May 5, at around 10:00 p.m. my sister and I observed two very bright white lights. This is near the Stuart/ Jupiter Island area. They were in a stationary position slightly above horizan and directly ahead of us when I first observed them . Through my binoculars one light appeared larger and slightly lower than the other. No shape or supporting structure was visible. There were several cellphone towers in the vicinity. The lights appeared three times higher than the towers and remained fixed as we approached and drove directly under them. At this point the larger light seemed to be one fourth the size of the moon with the other slightly smaller. They were very close together. There were no flashing lights. As we passed them I looked out the rear window and found nothing. I am most interested in finding a logical explanation for what we saw. As an experienced birdwatcher I frequently observe the skies and feel confident I've never seen anything like this.
We spoke with this witness, and we found here to be exceptionally objective and credible. We suspect she is a very good witness. PD
Posted 2004-05-10
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