NUFORC UFO Sighting 36787
Occurred: 2002-11-27 12:30 LocalReported: 2004-05-08 16:43 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 0
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Triangle craft over ocean beach in san francisco
Day after Thanksgiving 2002 I was walking on Ocean Beach and happened to look up at the sky- I walk this stretch of the ocean frequently as I've lived across the street since 1996- I know what planes & helicopters look like and this was definitely some other sort of craft. I saw it up there, toward the cliff house- it was silver with some spikes sticking out, jutting out of two of its sides- like black poles which were sticking up. It also seemed to have a tail at one end- kind of like a stalk stem of a mushroom. I looked around me to see if anyone else was seeing it. I stopped and tried to see if I could flag someone down to look, too. I kept thinking, "God, is that a UFO?" There was noone likely to stop, it somehow didn't seem appropriate and the beach wasn't that crowded. It was sunny, clear, I know what I saw and it was very weird. Anyway, the even weirder thing is is how I actually felt looking at it- extremely serene and calm; it was almost like whoever was in charge of it or actually in it wanted me to see it. It lasted a long time, about 1 minute. I remember thinking, "This is like on Art Bell." I've neevr felt whatever it was I was feeling before or since when I saw it. I also rwemember thinking, "What's gong to happen?" I kept my eye on it and next thing I knew it was gone. One second there, the next, out. It was a ways up in the sky- you'd need to be looking at that patch of sky to see it or be looking at that general area and then maybe it would get your attention. Like I said, I'm used to looking at that area of the sky on walks-. I told someone I know & he said it sounds like a secret military craft- I can't recall the word he used but it sounded right- some sort of very light craft. Thanks
Posted 2004-05-10
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