NUFORC UFO Sighting 36763
Occurred: 2004-05-06 09:00 LocalReported: 2004-05-07 05:54 Pacific
Duration: 1HOUR
No of observers: 3
Location: Emlenton, PA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Aircraft nearby
It looked like a cluster of fireballs.
I was outside on my porch when I seen a object in the eastern sky at firstI was thinking it was planet but it keep looking at it and slowly it seemed to move like downward it the sky but very slowly I knew it was moving for sure when it went in and out of the cloulds this happened around 9:00 PM and I ran to get a digital camra I snapped some photos and manified them they looked like several fire balls in a cluster with like a tail of some substance behind it. contact at my email for more infomation like photos
Sighting of Venus, we suspect. PD
Posted 2004-05-10
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