NUFORC UFO Sighting 36699

Occurred: 2004-05-03 12:15 Local
Reported: 2004-05-03 11:04 Pacific
Duration: Less than 6 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Jackson, MS, USA

Shape: Disk

Disk over downtown Jackson, Mississippi on a clear sunny day

Wowzers! I was checking the WAPT TV weather cam and saw this UFO! I had saved the two pics but unfortunately you can't do that with a webcam shot without it automatically refreshing itself. :o( At least not this webcam. I have already contacted the station to see if they have the still shots by any chance. At any rate, at 12:15 P.M., central/standard time there was a silver disk over Jackson, MS, just to the left of the Standard Life Building (the tallest building in the pic) and about midway up. I'm just really disappointed about this!!! In both of the pics, however, the second one was a refreshed shot with the time labeled at 12:21 P.M., so just minutes later...and in the second pic at 12:21 it was GONE! It is a gorgeous, sunny, clear day and not a cloud in the sky today and no rain whatsoever!!! So this can't be due or rain, etc.!

Posted 2004-05-04

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