NUFORC UFO Sighting 36689

Occurred: 2004-05-01 21:45 Local
Reported: 2004-05-02 23:16 Pacific
Duration: 120 sec.
No of observers: 1

Location: New York City (Brooklyn), NY, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects

Orange sphere with metallic object circling around it.

I was smoking a cigarette in the yard of my friends bar. I just got there and hadnt had a drink yet. I didnt know anyone else back there so i just smoked & looked up at the sky. Directly under the moon i spotted an object flying in my direction. The sky was completely clear and i thought it was a plane so i watched. As it came closer i noticed it was dark orange and sphere shaped. I figured that it was a light from the plane. It was at a distance & i had no reason to suspect otherwise. Then all of a sudden the sphere shape stretched out from the right side into a shape i can best describe as an oval. At this point i thought to myself, "O.k, it's an orange kite or something." Just as fast as i uttered that phrase in my mind, it returned to sphere shape. As it flew closer i realized that this thing was going much faster than a plane or anything i could concieve it to be. As it was coming closer & passing over me, i could clearly see a metallic shape circling around the sphere at an extremely fast pace, much faster than the sphere itself was moving. I couldnt tell the shape of it, but due to the clear sky & the bright moon, it stood out. The metallic object seemed to be circling the direct center of the sphere. This thing was going so fast i couldnt believe what i was watching. I tapped the guy next to me and said "hey, what the #@&%! is that?" By the time we both looked up this thing was pretty far already. He replied that it could be a satellite (he hadnt been watching it before hand like myself) but as we watched it, it stopped going in a straight direction and raised in altitude on an upward slant as if headed toward space. The object seemed to disapear. I looked around hoping someone else had been looking up, but the 8 or so people there were engaged in conversations with eachother. The guy who i pointed it out to did not seemed phased & just walked back in the bar. I dialed the operator on my cell phone ( i didnt know what else to do) & asked if anyone else called in a sighting of an ! unidentified object over east Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He laughed,so i hung up. Orange sphere flying at an extremely fast speed, metallic object circling around it at an even faster pace. This, i will never forget. Ive never experienced any thing like this, i know what i saw because it was a perfectly clear night, and i will continue from here on forth to search the internet for another reporting of this sighting. If only to get rid of the "how silly am i" feeling.

Posted 2004-05-04

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