NUFORC UFO Sighting 36682

Occurred: 2003-07-15 15:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-05-02 19:29 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Waterdown (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Cigar

Cigar shaped object spotted by Canadian teachers in Ontario

Last summer my wife and I who are both teachers, were in the backyard enjoying a beautiful afternoon relaxing on the deck. As we were engaged in conversation, I saw something up in the sky that caught my attention. It was a perfect day with a clear blue sky, so I know I wasn't mistaken about seeing this object. I notioned to my wife who looked up just as bewildered as myself. In a short distance from us, we could see a cigar shaped silvery looking object that was motionless in the sky. It clearly wasn't a plane or some other object that could rationally be described, as it was truly unique to anything we have ever seen. As we stared at it for a minute or two, it suddenly moved in a darting motion to it's left, then it darted again quickly to it's right, and it moved irradically for a another minute or two after that. Again after a moment, it remained motionless in the sky without any apparent moment. It was at this moment that after the rush of excitemnt had passed, I decided to get my camera to get a picture of this thing. However, as fate would have it, it disappeared within the time I had rushed to go into the house. My wife said that the object left at lightening speed directly upwards into the sky. I would have wrote about this sooner; however, I was unaware that this site existed. This is not some fabricated story made up to get attention or publicity; as I simply want to tell those interested that we are obviously not alone. I also want to say for the record, that this is mt third sighting of a UFO.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-05-04

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