NUFORC UFO Sighting 36670
Occurred: 1999-07-26 15:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-05-01 22:22 Pacific
Duration: 2.5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Surrey (Canada), BC, Canada
Shape: Sphere
Sphere passess over apears then disapears
Clear day no clouds sun was setting. I was facing East repairing the roof from the top of a ladder. It passed south west to south east in a perfectly staight line. It was unusual because it seamed to appear out of thin air. I remember that got my attention. I decided to study it and not take my eyes off. As it passed over I noticed the sun was reflecting off the surface of the object, without that sun being at that angle at that time of day it would have reflected its surroundings and dissapeared as it did a few minues later when my viewing angle changed from the proximity of the sun and the craft. I could almost be certian that there would be very few different angles that you would see the object. The reflective qualities alloud me to observe what was imediately on the other side of the craft. I determined that this quality of stealth reflection could only be achieved if the craft was a perfect sphere. The extra light from the sun gave shape to the object. The farther it moved from my position the more faded the suns reflection became, until it was gone, but I still new it had to be there. That was really frustrating. I new it was close enough that I should still be able to see it. It wasn't like a plane that you see how far you can watch it for. It wasn't even close to being that far away. I also remember being extemely exited a few months later when I saw some clear close up footage on TV from mexico (A Sphere) thats all I needed to see to know I'm not nuts. I think they are totally hidden if its cloudy.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-05-04
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