NUFORC UFO Sighting 36662

Occurred: 2004-04-30 18:30 Local
Reported: 2004-05-01 17:32 Pacific
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Portland, OR, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Object Hovering Near Jet-Trails 4/30/04, Portland, Or.

Around 6:30pm, while it was still very much light outside, we noticed a beige/yellow circular shape "hovering" around the trails of a jet that had flown by moments earlier. It did not seem to be moving. We kept our eye on it for several minutes, and it remained still. We were making trips in and out of the apartment building, and we kept checking on it, trying to frame it at the same spot between a tree and a balcony in order to judge if it was moving. Unfortunately, we did not see it take off. We made another trip, and when we came back to the parking lot, it was gone.

This event probably lasted 10 - 15 minutes. Another airplane passed above the object during this time. "6:30pm" is an estimate. We were facing towards the east not far from Union Station.

Today, I did a search on the internet to see if anyone had reported something strange. I am not saying it was a UFO, but it was certainly weird, and I just wanted to report it just in case.

Thank you.

Posted 2004-05-04

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