NUFORC UFO Sighting 36658
Occurred: 2004-04-30 10:25 LocalReported: 2004-05-01 14:11 Pacific
Duration: 15 mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Woodbridge, NJ, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
At Approx. 10:25 AM, I was traveling west on Oak Tree Rd , coming up on the crossroad of WOOD Ave when my attention was drawn to a jet black, glossy cylindrically shaped object that was floating/rotating from the South west to the north east at less than 1000 ft. It had to be huge, more tham 75 feet in length and at least 10 ft in diameter, it was shaped like a glossy black sausage casing, and it would periodically go into a formal V-shape and then speed up in that direction of travel. As it crossed in front of me on Wood ave/Oak tree Rd The sun would also glint of this sausage shaped object, and two smaller spheres were observed , one attached at each end. This object would also rotate end over end stop and go ram-straight vertical, HOVER for a few seconds after bending in the middle from a v-shaped profile, and maintain this attitude for a few seconds before going on. it also maintained a tru and straight attitude and height, for if it was a balloon, it would have risen while in my view. I pointed it out to a few passer-bys, but they said it was a balloon. The object then drifted in a stop and go manner out over the Garden State Parkway and then I lost sight of this wierd object. It was 60 degrees in temp, partly sunny and the wind was calm. It is also 1 year to the day when I saw a similar changing object in the vicinity and wonder if this is some kind of probe or alien craft sent to gather data. (see report for Woodbridge, NJ (5-1-03) Thanks.
Posted 2004-05-04
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