NUFORC UFO Sighting 36641

Occurred: 2004-04-30 15:00 Local
Reported: 2004-04-30 22:53 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: New York City (Manhattan), NY, USA

Shape: Orb

Silver orb seen in over central park.

I was walking around central park, looking for a place to sit where there weren't too many people. I'm sorry I can't be more sure of the exact time, but I was working on a screenplay all day and was a little but pre-occupied with my own thoughts. At any rate, ust off the 80's of the west side of central park there is a large field with three baselball diamonds. I rested for a while looking at the game, when as I stood, I caught a glimpse of what I thought was a child's balloon (the silver kind) floating away, above the trees. It was clearly evident. However, it seemed to change shape, and flatten slightly, then round back out again. And it was pulled in a consistently western direction. This didn't seem to me like the normal behavior of a floating balloon. As I recall, they usually wobble from side to side as the tie at the bottom swings the weight around. There was nothing like this that I witnessed. It seemed to be moving deliberately. to see it clearly for more than about a minute and a half necessitsated walking over the baseballe diamond, which I neglected to do, as there was a game playing. Or, more accurately, a man was hitting balls for practice and others were catching it. So I only saw it briefly. The object was silver, I could not judge the distance accurately, and so cannot judge the size accurately. It seemed like a blimp, at times, which it may have been. but it appeared to flatten and behave more like a balloon. I could not identify it, hence I'm entering this report. It changed shape as it moved, or at least it seemed to. There was a lot of light in the sky, it was overcast but not directly sunny, with a white, bright sky. It read as silver to my eyes, not emmenating light. It must have been either a blimp, far away, but moving very quickly to cover the distance it did in the sky, or a balloon, moving very slowly, but deliberately. Or something else, I suppose. If anyone else saw this, I would like them to tell me what they observed, just for my own curiousity. Thanks! - J

Posted 2004-05-04

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