NUFORC UFO Sighting 36632
Occurred: 2004-04-27 20:30 LocalReported: 2004-04-30 22:17 Pacific
No of observers: 1
Location: Sonora, CA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Object noticed on film, Scoop Marks on Brother
Brian, Oh, my GOD! Brian I was out on my back porch facing ENE and I was taking pictures of the clouds. I didn't see this until I downloaded it to my computer. I AM FREAKING OUT! They are watching us even when we can't see them? I can't figure out how I didn't see it when I was taking pictures! This is in Sonora, CA two days ago, April 27, 2004 around 8 or 8:30.
The sun just started to set. The picture is attached along with the ones of the scoop mark (better quality) on my brother's back.
I'm shaking now. I went back through the pictures I was taking and here's another one. This is looking over the roof. Same time as the other picture but to the North and up. If you look above the contrail, you will see what looks like a black dot. I am sending you the original digital photo. When I magnified it on my desktop, I see a UFO waaaayy up and, magnified, I see what may be windows or something. I also didn't realize the pictures I sent of my brother's scoop mark were that very night that I took these photos. Why is this happening to my family? I can't help feeling helpless. I feel frightened as well.
Thank you to the people for the information.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 250 845 2189 email: Website: Redirect: Redirect:
Posted 2004-05-04
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