NUFORC UFO Sighting 36596
Occurred: 2004-04-25 20:30 LocalReported: 2004-04-29 07:20 Pacific
Duration: 2-3minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Adelaide (South Australia), , Australia
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
1 cluster of white lights surrounded by 2 larger circles of lights, all flashing and rotating it was the base of something very large
Around 8.30pm on the 25th April 2004 I was inside in the kitchen on the phone to my friend when my husband came into the kitchen and asked if I wanted to see a UFO.I thought he meant on the television so I said "what channel is it on?" He said " no I mean outside." Ididnt really know what to think as he is such a sceptic when it comes to that sort of thing and is a very logical thinker, so I said to my friend "i'll be right back I have to go outside for a minute" When I went out into the backyard all i could see was clouds as it was very very cloudy that night so cloudy you couldnt see the stars, I said to my husband "i cant see anything" he said "just wait a minute" then I saw it, it was a series of white lights, not round more rectangular shaped lights but they formed a cluster, flashing, then a second circle of lights formed around the cluster, then a third and final circle of lights surrounded the other two sircles, the lights were rotating in a circle flashing, i could barely believe my eyes,what we were looking at was the base of something but the the incredible thing was the size, it was huge about the size of a football field, massive just massive and the small circle of lights seemed to spin and the whole thing tilted, i had had enough by that stage and said to my husband get inside i am frightened, I kept asking my husband what is it, what is it, and he just said " i dont know that is why I had to show you." about ten minutes later he went outside again and it had gone, I was so shook up I told my friend " Its real there really is something outhere, and she belived me as she knows I would never just make something up like that, plus she could hear the fear in my voice. I also rang my eldest daughter and told her. I cant and have no explanation for what we saw, but I know what I saw and it was huge and was definetly the bottom of something very large, the sheer size of it is what got me, how could something that big be in the sky, it was just above the clouds, so we were lookin! g through the clouds at this object and the lights must have been extremely bright to shine through as they did. I am a mother of four grown children I am a pharmacy assistant and my husband is a supervisor at his work.
Posted 2004-04-30
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