NUFORC UFO Sighting 36592

Occurred: 2004-04-28 20:32 Local
Reported: 2004-04-28 20:15 Pacific
Duration: 16 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Keeseville, NY, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

unusually shaped, very bright light-no other colors, slowly moving over the town, then disappearing from sight-no sounds

Saw a UFO in the evening sky, appeared as a bright light, the brightness of a star, moving slow over the outskirts of our town. It was large, possibly diamond shaped, I saw it first, as the driver of the car and mentioned it to my husband to look at it also as he was in the passenger seat. I continued to drive and he watched, and it disappeared. There was no sound. It was suddenly gone. It had appeared to be moving but very slow, as like a hover. My husband and I were on our way home from shopping and had taken the exit to our town of Keeseville and had just gotten off the Northway ramp and noticed the bright object to our left up in the sky. We have never seen anything like it before.

Posted 2004-04-30

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