NUFORC UFO Sighting 36582
Occurred: 2004-04-28 22:00 LocalReported: 2004-04-28 00:35 Pacific
Duration: minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Socorro, NM, USA
Shape: Light
as i was driving on highway 60 just west of socorro nm an orange light-ball shaped-seen going south to north across windshield at low altitude very fast -seen only for a split second-then a moment later a second one zoomed by the same way-i slowed down and started looking for a place to pull over but couldn't find one-then i saw another or the same going west to east just above the mountain tops-then a moment later another going exactly the same way -by then i was almost to socorro and passing an area where new mexico tech has a lot of activity-then i noticed a large bright white light in the west -my first thought was this must be a planet but right away i thought no it's too close and i thought if it's not a planet then what is it-mind you i'm still driving-then when i looked again it seemed further away- then a little while later it was gone-- the orange balls didn't seem as big as a small aircraft-there was no noise and they were going very fast almost as if electricity going along a wire
Posted 2004-04-30
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