NUFORC UFO Sighting 36571

Occurred: 2004-04-26 21:00 Local
Reported: 2004-04-27 14:15 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Longmont, CO, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Very fast low flying cigar shaped object with 4 diamond shapes on the bottom.

On april 26 2004, at aproxmetly 9:00 pm mountain time, my father and I were outside observing what looked like a satalite crossing the sky above our home in Longmont colorado. We watched it untill it was out of sight. As I turned to go back in my home I heard my father yell "What the hell is that!" I Quickly looked up in time to see a large cigar or rectangle shaped object zip across the sky. It was very dark in color but you could still see dim reflections through out the whole object.It had what appeared to be four dimond shaped lights,just slightly smaller than the whole object, across the bottom; however they were also very dim. The whole object looked sort of faded as it went over head. When I looked up the object was directly above my house and considerably low flying, aproxametly 10,000 feet or so. My father, who is learning to be a pilot, said that the object was flying about even with the top of the mountains. As I looked up at the object it continued to fly forward in a straight line although it appeared to be sitting at an angle with one side higher in elevation than the other. It was flying from south to north on the west side of the big dipper and directly in between to very bright stars that I think may have been planets.(astronomy is not my strong point.) It crossed a considerable amount of sky very fast, about 4 to 6 seconds, and then was temporarinly out of sight. What struck me as the most odd part about this first pass, other than the shear speed of the object, was the fact that there was no sound. No soud at all, dead silent. A few seconds later the object was vissible again, only a lot higher in elevation, about cruising elevation for an average jetliner. It continued north for about 4 seconds then quikly shot back south. It covered about 2 inches of the sky in only 2 seconds then just dissapeard. My father and I stayed out side for about another 5 minutes wathcing the sky, more so out of shock than anything else. At one point we saw a jetliner in the sky tr! aveling from east to west. One thing we noted was that for the jet to travle about a 2 inch distance of sky took nearly 15 to 20 seconds as aposed to the 2 seconds of the earlier object. Also the satalite we had been watching was traveling south east, and the UFO started about where the satelite had gone out of sight.

Another erie fact to mention would be, that after the object passed I had gone in my 93 ford ranger to grab my jacket and upon entering every light in my truck began flashing. The headlights, the taillights, the domelight, and the blinkers, were all going nuts for about 15 seconds.

Posted 2004-04-30

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