NUFORC UFO Sighting 36400
Occurred: 2003-07-15 00:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-04-17 16:15 Pacific
Duration: About 12-15 Minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: West Greenwich, East Greenwich, West Warwick, Warwick, RI, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Craft follows our car up the highway for at least 10 minutes then takes off when we change direction and speed abruptly.
Hey, my name is ((deleted)), I live in North Providence, RI USA. I was travelling home with three of my friends who all like in the same town. Were coming from another friend's house in Coventry, RI. We were travelling in two cars, I was in the passenger seat of my friend Joe's '85 Firebird. My friends John and Domenic were right behind us in Domenic's '72 Nova (so no slouch cars, they come up later). We merged onto Route 95 North from exit 6 in Rhode Island. We travelled about a mile and a half when I saw to the East Southeast something flying North and the exact same speed as we were travelling. The craft was just above the tree line, it had sort of a bulky saucer shape and it had six yellow lights that were extremely dim and barely visible. It looked very large, but I couldn't tell how far it was from us yet. We called our friends travelling next to us in the lane to our left. We coordinated between the two cars (using cellphones) to slow down and speed up together, and the craft sped up and slowed down with us with virtually no delay, it was moving with us. I knew there was no was this was a plane, there was no sound, it was flying too low, even though we were only several miles from the state airport in Warwick. So we continued travelling North, and we coordinated a maneuver to see how the craft would react. When the highway split to 295 North and 95 North, Domenic and John in the Nova swerved behind us and sped up 95 while Joe and I in the Firebird sped up Route 295, as soon as Domenic and John were just out of our sight in the other car, the craft took a 90 Degree turn towards the East and shot so fast out of sight that if you blinked you would have missed it. This thing took off faster than the supersonic jets at the air show, I've never seen any plane do anything like this before, it was amazing. It was at that last moment that I finally got an idea how far away it was because the tree line had started to clear and a hotel that I know was about 1/2-3/4 miles away was i! n the foreground just before the craft shot out of sight. So most likely it was no more than a mile away. It seemed to be moving up a little bit as it took off, but it happened so quickly I really could not tell. The most amazing part of the whole encounter was that the craft made no noise and it changed speeds as we did with no delays or jerky movements, it was all very fluid in terms of movement. I really wish I had a camera because I got some great looks at this thing, it was a clear night, relatively quiet and the moon was fairly bright. I might be off on the date, I don't remember the exact date.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-04-27
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