NUFORC Sighting 36314

Occurred: 1976-09-27 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-04-13 14:42 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour or so
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Paul, MN, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Their was a green fog. I saw what appeared to be an oval shaped object wrapped or swaddled in a somewhat goldish, metallic material.

It was a week night in September of 1976. My Daughter M had just started kindergarten. I was married to B. We were living in a little house on Seminary Dr. in St. Paul, MN. We had gone to bed about 9:30, as we usually did on week nights. It was probably several hours later when I woke with a start to find that B was not in bed with me. This would not have been unusual except that he had to work the next morning.

I walked through the house stopping to check on M, who, was missing from her bed. While B being gone was not much cause for concern, he would never, on the longest day of his life, have taken a 5 year old with him.

I began to panic. I ran to the back door with the intention of looking to see if our van or car were gone, when I opened it there was a green haze or fog which was quite thick. My dog ran out into the yard, I screamed for him to come back which he did.

My panic turning into terror, I picked up the phone but put it back down. Who would I call, and what would I tell them? That my Daughter and Husband were missing, and my house was enveloped in a green fog? Right.

I went to the kitchen sink, which was clear of dishes, and splashed my face with cold water in a vane attempt to compose myself. I got a glass of water, drank it and put the glass down on the right side of the sink.

At this point I was snot nosed and sniveling. I paced the length of our small house repeatedly, stopping to look in M's room. Was I having some sort of bizarre psychotic episode, or was this just a terrible nightmare? Yes, the Granddaddy of all nightmares. With this in mind I went back to bed. I lay there in a sweat, with my eyes tightly shut, saying to myself, between heaving sobs, "This is just a bad dream, this is just a bad dream" At some point I noticed that the lights were on in my bedroom. I didn't recall turning them on. Our security light and the corner street lamp provided more than enough illumination to see most everywhere in the house.

I looked down toward the end of the bed and to my horror saw what appeared to be an oval shaped object wrapped or swaddled in a somewhat goldish, metallic material.

I opened my mouth to scream. Nothing but a wheezing whimper would pass my lips. Truly frozen with fear, I was pumping adrenaline at a rate I thought might kill me. My heart wasn't beating, it was buzzing.

Some time passed before I was able to move one of my feet, very slowly, out of the fetal position to push this object further away from me.

I don't remember a thing after that until daylight when I awoke to find that B was in bed beside me. I raced to M's Room where she lay sleeping peacefully. As I walked back to the bedroom I glanced at the sink. There was my glass, on the right side. The light in the bedroom was off. I glanced in a mirror and noticed my face appeared sunburnt. At breakfast I could see that M and B looked sunburnt too. I recall thinking to myself that it had been cloudy and cold all week.

I pushed this incident to the back of my mind in a category all it's own labeled "Nightmare like no other" and went on with my life.

A few years later as I sat in a Dentist's waiting room (in San Diego) paging through a magazine, I noticed an article that pretty nearly described my ordeal. Intrigued, I stopped at a book store on my way home. As I looked through the books on UFO's and the like I came across some drawings of odd looking, supposed, human/alien infants. One was of a red haired baby wrapped in an oval shaped goldish colored blanket.

Looking back on the events of that night, I wish that I hadn't been so fearful and that I would have closely examined that oval shaped object.

Anyone out there had a similar experience? If so I would like to hear from you.

Thanks, R


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-04-27

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