NUFORC UFO Sighting 36171
Occurred: 2004-02-29 21:30 LocalReported: 2004-04-10 12:13 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
No of observers: 0
Location: Livermore, CA, USA
Shape: Light
The bright light stayed there for 5 minites than took off extermly fast and vanished.
As I was sitting in my backyard I was looking at the stars to the east of my position. I noticed what I thougt was one of the planets that has been in the sky lately. I was looking at it for roughly 5 minites tring to figure out which plant it was, it than moved very fast to the south and faded out of view. I tried to reason what it could have been and given the facts, that it was as bright as one of the planets that I've been watching, staying in the same place for at least 5 minites, then taking off at a very high rate of speed there's no queston in my mind that it was a UFO. It was a extremly clear night here on the west coast in northern Californa.I could not make out a shape because of how high it was in the sky. I could only see the very bright white light.
Posted 2004-04-27
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