NUFORC UFO Sighting 36133
Occurred: 2002-11-01 16:45 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-04-10 03:52 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Calgary (Canada), AB, Canada
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Observed sun reflecting off object following behind and to the right of commercial aircraft in Canada.
Learned of your site tonight listening to Coast To Coast- This occurred sometime in November or December of 2002. Driving home from work on the Trans Canada Highway on the western edge of Calgary proceeding west- I observed a commercial aircraft overflying Calgary at cruise altitudes proceeding west ahead of me. The sun had just set below the horizon, however the sun was reflecting off the commercial aircraft and the vapor trail behind it. The sky was bright blue, clear and this sight was very pretty. At this point I noticed a reflection off an object slightly to the right and to the rear of the commercial aircraft. The reflection was also moving and was matching the speed of the commercial aircraft. From my position driving my truck down the highway-the commercial aircraft and object were approx 45-50 degrees above the horizon and my estimations were that the object was at the same altitude as the commercial aircraft, approx 1000- 2000 ft behind it( less than a mile) The 2nd objects speed and distance remained constant for the duration. There was no vapor trail behind the 2nd object, and the commercial aircraft did emmit a vapor trial 3-5 miles long. As they proceeded westbound the reflections changed slightly - and I was left with the impression the object was much smaller than the commercial aircraft and was spherical in shape. Eventually as they proceeded westbound they dropped below my feild of view ( Large hill just west of Calgary ) I have a 25 year background in aviation including over 5000 hrs of flying and found it very odd to have two aircraft flying formation and to have only one emitting a vapor trail at such altitudes. My hobbies include astronomy and following the USA Space Programs and I am familiar with Planets-satilites- the Space Station -Shuttle re-entry and most things which we see in the sky. This was something very different than I had observed before.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-04-27
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