NUFORC UFO Sighting 36130
Occurred: 2004-03-20 19:50 LocalReported: 2004-04-10 03:15 Pacific
Duration: 5 miutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Kalispell, MT, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
A slow large starlike,high object,followed us to driveway,stopped,then high speed flee into red speck lite
While standing in back of pick-up, from the barnyard to our driveway,I observed a light the size of the largest star moving slowly (like us) from west to east. It stayed with us as we drove west to east & was as high up as a very high jet but silent. In driveway, I went to my husbands' open door window & pointed up at about a 70 degree above horizon in a SE direction as I faced south now & it had stopped moving when we stopped. I said "What's that?" The dog got in his lap & stuck her head out the window so he couldn't see a thing. I opened the door, the dog jumped out, my husband got out, I pointed up and said, "That!" But before he could raise his eyes, it disappeared into the east horizon as a red light speck..out of sight! It had to go thousands of mph to do that!! It was like it heard me trying to show it to my husband that clear, starfilled Saturday night.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD
Posted 2004-04-27
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