NUFORC UFO Sighting 36128

Occurred: 1960-09-15 20:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-04-10 02:30 Pacific
Duration: 2 min. for me, longer for
No of observers: 1

Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Emitted beams

Triple disc sighting prior to dusk with a light beam and possible healing. Witnessed.

I was Twelve years of age in 1960. It was a beautiful late summer evening, the days were still long and it was just approaching dusk at about 8:30 PM. The sun was at the horizon but had not yet set, even though the sun disc itself was out of sight.

I was dozing in a steel framed hammock in thr family back yard when I had an accident that threw me into the air about seven or eight feet. I descended upside down and landed directly on my head. The last thing I remember was a loud snap, cracking sound as my head snapped into my right shoulder. That, except for the incident that I will relate next, may have been the tragic end of the story.

The next thing I am aware of is that I am standing up holding onto the nearby handrail. I don't remember getting up, I'm just up. Then I hear a voice in my head say "Look up". So I look up, there in the sky, directly overhead (86 - 88 degrees from North Horizon) are three hovering discs, all identical except the middle one is lower than the other two. These discs were the same color as the sky, sunset orange on the West side, and a darker pewter or brownish on the East. I would estimate the diameter to be five inches at arms length for the two at higher altitude, and about 8 inches at arms length for the lower disc. My judgement of the perceived altitude above me was about 120 feet.

I yelled at my brother who is already looking at them, "Chuck, LOOK!". He saw the whole thing. He says that a beam of light came out of one of them and hit me. I cannot verify that, as I was out of commission at the time.

After looking up and perceiving the three discs they immediately moved in perfect silent unison, due West to the horizon in about two seconds.

Shortly after that I had a long series of REALLY WEIRD nighttime events.

Something came into our room almost every night for a long time. When they came I would call to my older brother but he wouldn't wake. Then his weird experience would happen. I won't try to describe it here but it was scary, unknown, and very nebulous. I started to draw these figures of flying beings. My school performance went from poor to exceptional. Emotional problems that I had been experiencing seemed to reconcile themselves.

My neck has never caused me any pain to this day.

My brother still comments on the events of this amazing moment in our lives.

There are more incidents should you be interested.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-04-27

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