NUFORC UFO Sighting 36120
Occurred: 1983-09-15 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-04-10 00:54 Pacific
Duration: 20-30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Holden (Canada), AB, Canada
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Small white light makes 90 degree turn in sky.
During the fall grain harvest in approx 1983 around 2200hrs, I was the truck driver waiting for the combine to have it's next load of grain. I was facing west and the combine was approx 1/4 mile away at the time and hidden behind a roll of hills. There was no lights from buildings in the area, no road traffic, there was no moon light that evening & it was nice and clear. I was standing outside of the grain truck looking at the stars, when I noticed what I thought was a satellite coming from the north/west going south/east. It was just a bright little light, just like any satellite which I had seen several times before. When I first noticed it, it was almost straight above me, approx 80 degrees off the horizon. It was travelling about the speed of other satellites I had seen in the past & since. After watching this light move for approx 5-10 seconds, and at this point it was almost directly above me at 90 degrees, it made a perfect 90 degree turn without losing any speed and started to head directly east. A split second after the object turned, I noticed a second object, a red flashing light which I assumed to be a tail light or wing light of an aircraft following the first object. It appeared to be coming from the same direction as the first object. It made a more of a swooping/banking turn to turn to the east and followed the first object. Very much like any normal aircraft would have to do, in making a turn. Both objects headed east, the first object from what I recall was way ahead of the red flashing light in no time at all. I don't recall the first object changing speed or streaking away or anything like that, but making that 90 degree turn was pretty wild and it got ahead very quickly becasue the other object took longer to turn to the east. After the 90 turn I could see the objects for approx another 5 seconds. I didn't hear anything unusual during the event, however an hour or two latter when we had finished working for the evening and I was taking a shower and my ! father was upstairs in the house, he heard a loud boom or a bang, which I didn't hear. A sonic boom?? maybe?? The closest military airbase with jets, is in Cold Lake, about 2 hrs away by ground to the north/west. At the time there was a military air base in Edmonton about an hour away by ground,to the west, however I think they only had helicopters at that site.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-04-27
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