NUFORC UFO Sighting 35985
Occurred: 2004-03-19 21:00 LocalReported: 2004-04-04 14:19 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: Anglemont (Canada), BC, Canada
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
bright star-like object, very distant, moving while fading and glowing strong, visible with naked eye for a minute or so.
on a very clear night my friend and I were walking down the road from our place in Anglemont, BC and looking up at the myriad of stars in the night sky. My friend pointed out to me what initially looked just like a star but as you kept your eye on it you could see that it was moving steadily across the sky and while doing so it was fading to where you could almost not see it but then it started to light up again and glow strong while still moving and then again fade, glow, fade, glow, until it eventually left our sight. It looked like a very distant star but when it glowed it stood out from the rest of the stars in the sky. It was obviously very very distant, further than any plane/satelite/etc. No idea what it was but it had a great rhythmic and steady pattern of traveling across the sky while dimming and glowing, no flashing lights, no noise, and a pretty regular course, no dashing about at different speeds or in different directions. Anyone seen something similar?
Posted 2004-04-09
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