NUFORC UFO Sighting 35945

Occurred: 1979-04-12 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-04-01 20:26 Pacific
Duration: 60-70 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: East Providence, RI, USA

Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

V shaped (Chevron shaped ) Craft appeared to just clear the top of the Water Tower

Was heading home from a Bible Study in Taunton MA, was about 3 miles distance from my home heading West on Rte 6 in East Providence, then turned south onto Dover Ave, as my car was climbing the hill an old EP landmark specifically the old Orange + White town Water Tower was on my right, and Pawtucket Ave (Rte 114) was the main road to the right of the water tower, what caught my eye was what appeared to be a rather large low flying aircraft that initially appeared dark as it approached the Water Tower. The Craft appeared to be moving very slow and had just cleared the top of the Water Tower. Weather conditions were overcast with heavy low lying cloud cover, the craft was V shaped (Chevron shaped and large) with no fuselage, there where no engines on the craft wings, and there was no sound that I could hear (bear in mind I was driving and was in my car at the time), with glare from the traffic and lights on Pawtucket avenue and the low lying cloud cover the craft was very easy to see and particulary the bottom of the craft very clear to observe, there was no landing gear on the bottom of the craft, actually the bottom of the craft was very smooth, very smooth indeed. The bottom of the craft appeared to be a mixture of light/dull amber coloured almost blending/reflecting white light from the street lights and traffic. No vehicles stopped on the road at that juncture. Quite surprised that no vehicles stopped. I Continued to travel down the road (Dover Ave) in a Southerly direction, the speed that I was travelling in my vehicle was close to 40MPH (my apologies for breaking the posted 25MPH speed), at any rate the craft continued heading south in the direction of Riverside, had serval stop signs that I had to stop at, unfortunently by the time I reached the Wampanoaug Trail road the craft continued south and had to halt my vehicle at yet another stop sign and by the time traffic cleared so that I enter into traffic, had lost sight of the craft and didn't spot it afterwards.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-04-09

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