NUFORC UFO Sighting 35599

Occurred: 1992-10-20 02:00 Local
Reported: 2004-03-14 21:15 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour

Location: Kaunas (Lithuania), , Lithuania

Shape: Unknown

alien encounter [?] .. frog with antenna

It was a rainy night. I heard the drops of rain dropping down one by one before falling asleep. For some reason I woke up because I kept on hearing the drops and something felt unnatural. I turned the light near the bed on and imediatly froze and fear and shock.

What I saw was a frog down on the carpet. I do not know why, but it scared me very much.

I was young, 11 or so at the time. I reacted by not moving at first and looking at it for about 10 seconds. It didn't have a specific color. It looked more mechanical than natural green color. It had a small antenni on the head. For some reason I fear of it.

I thought that it was intelligent and was directing it's attention to me.

I acted slowly to cover myself on the sheets and stayed under the sheets for what left like no more than 15 minutes thinking what I should do. Then I figured I would throw the bed covers on it and run downstairs to talk to mother. I did that and I woke her up and explained that there is "something" up there and that I did know what it was.

She said that it is probably just a mouse and offered to walk upstairs on the 2nd floor where I had a bed and check the room out. I followed her upstairs because I did not feel comfortable staying alone. The room was empty. I slept in her bed for the next few days.


Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD

Posted 2004-03-17

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