NUFORC UFO Sighting 35447

Occurred: 2004-02-25 01:30 Local
Reported: 2004-03-08 02:50 Pacific
Duration: 15 Minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Emma (approx.), MO, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Very large object in the night sky about 3 hundred feet off of the ground not moving or making a sound w/blue flashing lights.

I am A truck driver. I left St Louis MO.,about 22:30 on 02/24/2004, heading east on I-70 in Missouri,I was about 3 hours out of St Louis on I-70 east,about Emma,Mo. Somewhere Between exit 66 and exit 62. It was a dark clear night if I remember correctly,then all of a sudden I noticed these very bright blue strobe lights flashing just a few hundred feet north of the interstate.The object was about 200 to 300 feet off of the ground not moving or making any sound at all that I could tell. The Blue lights would all flash at the same time very quickly.I think that there were about four of these blue lights,but when they lit up I could just make out a very large object.I am not sure if it was one object or two very close together,or the shape of it.I pulled off at the next exit about half a mile east of where I was from the UFO to see if i could get a better look at it,I looked at it for about ten minutes. It was still in the same place lights flashing not moving or making any sound.Whatever it was it was very large! It was still there when I left.

Posted 2004-03-09

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