NUFORC UFO Sighting 35381
Occurred: 2004-03-01 10:50 LocalReported: 2004-03-03 14:00 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Anaheim, CA, USA
Shape: Changing
On March 1st 2004 in Anaheim Ca. a coworker and I noticed a black roundish object that appeared to be hovering above the Disneyland hotel. (There were no lights or sounds from the object (that were heard or saw) and there were no surface features noticeable, and it was an overcast day with the possibility of rain). From were we were standing it would be very difficult to tell it?s height above the ground or its size. But it appeared high and not very large. At first we thought in might be a Mickey Mouse balloon because it seemed to change shape slightly as it floated. After about a minute it started floating to the south very slowly (continuing to change shape slightly) but it didn?t quite behave like a balloon, it?s movements were a strange kind of slow bobbing and it was moving in the opposite direction of the wind. After about a total of five minutes of this, the object changed from a roundish shape to strait as and arrow (it may have only turned so I was seeing it at a different angle) and shoot off to the east at a very high speed and it was out of sight in a couple of seconds. It still made no sound as it moved away fast.
Posted 2004-03-09
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