NUFORC UFO Sighting 35375
Occurred: 2004-02-20 22:55 LocalReported: 2004-03-03 00:56 Pacific
Duration: minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Bowling Green, KY, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object
i seen a space craft that was hovering an then it faded away it didn't hide behind anythin.
i was driving on natcher parkway an looked over to the left in front of country oven bakery an seen weird lights hovering over university estates subdivision it was diamond shaped but more rounded it was covered in lights as i drove down the interstate the lights went up then a little downward then it just faded away not flew or lifted off just faded i called several people but people thought i was joking i was on a cell phone.didn't have a number to call anyone. seen this on the net so i filled it out.
Posted 2004-03-09
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