NUFORC UFO Sighting 3534
Occurred: 1998-04-22 21:22 LocalReported: 1998-05-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Shelton, WA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
I was parked at a stoplight, a light just above the horizon caught my eye. A large, round, glowing object passed directly in front of me.
As I was parked at a stoplight, waiting for the light to turn green, a glowing ball of light caught my attention. I looked up in time to see the object moving north to south across my view out my front window. The object was just above the horizon, and appeared to be traveling at a slight angle towards the ground and seemed to be only a couple hundred feet above the earth. The sighting lasted approximately 2-3 seconds.
The size of the object was not quite as large as a full moon. The shape was essentially round and appeared to be moving through a either low clouds or a haze. The object glowed much like a street light illuminating the fog near it on a foggy night. The color seemed to be a pale orange.
I was in my car with the engine running, but could not hear any sound associated with the event (My first inclination was that it was an aircraft going down; the sighting occured very close to Sanders Field, but the object was much too large).
I am a 33 year-old male, married, with two young children. I was most recently employed as a credit analyst for a national credit bank, but now am a full-time student.
I have never seen anything like this.
Posted 1999-01-28
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