NUFORC UFO Sighting 3505

Occurred: 1998-04-29 20:50 Local
Reported: 1998-04-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10seconds

Location: Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), , Dominican Republic

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

group 4-5 dim orange ligths in V formation,fast silent displacement,east-west,looked changed positions at the end of sighting. Seemed at high alt. Before and after were seen a small and a comm planes. Weather clear, crescent moon.

Looked like round and at high altitude,4-5 lights,interestingly not brighting as use to be in planes. First seen towards the north at an 45 angle. Called the attention to my wife,who also saw the formation. We are accustomed to the pass of light planes as there is a nearby domestic airport, and too to the characteristics of navegation lights of high flying commercial planes. To her the speed was fast. Also I estimated a change in the position of the lights at the end of the sighting, that was 45 degrees to northwest. To my observation that could be birds my wife replied that they don't have lights.

Posted 1999-01-28

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