NUFORC UFO Sighting 34817

Occurred: 2004-02-01 05:06 Local
Reported: 2004-02-01 09:37 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

2 strange craft over downtown and greater los angeles basin

got up to get a drink of water and looked out over the western skyline (from my house i have a view of the basin from downtown to santa monica ) and i saw what at first appered to be a very low flying plane then another appered next to it they were low on the horizon and moving very slow. The the two craft moved south west toward Downtown i follow outside my house now and watched the two craft basically follow the 110 south from the 101 area then bank West toward santa monica then turned quickly back striaght toward Silverlake area and out of my sight I have never seen anything move like that and after it was out of my sight i heard what sounded to be like a jet flying in the area but i never saw it.

The object appered at first to be a kind of cigar shape at first but when it banked it was actually tranglular in shape with a kinda orange glow from the bottom with a greenish blue light comming from what i assume to be the bottom of the craft there was only 2 and was very low to the horizon that is why i noticed it seemed very low for any conventional air craft

Posted 2004-02-12

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