NUFORC UFO Sighting 34694

Occurred: 1999-10-30 18:00 Local
Reported: 2004-01-26 13:14 Pacific
Duration: quite some time

Location: Vancouver (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Unknown

I dont know if you want to post this or not but here goes october 1999 six individual lights spaced equally apart with the moon on the right hand side with two groups of triangles with three lights in each grouping anthree lights on an right angle i believe that they were with the armada and base situated on the other side of the moon right near that statue that the japanese satilighte took the picture of if you look carefully at that picture you will see an entrance that looks like some kind of large bay.also there has been a unusually high number of sioghtings world wide since 1999. also in december 1999 there was two groups of individual lights that appeared over vancouver bc one group of lights took the shape of a question mark the other lights lined up in row they stayed there for about 15 min. then vanished

Posted 2004-01-31

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