NUFORC UFO Sighting 34689

Occurred: 2003-06-30 22:00 Local
Reported: 2004-01-26 11:46 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 0

Location: Ripon, WI, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Strange object sat still in sky for 45 minutes like a star, then very quickly passed over me.

When I was out at Trinity Church looking at fireflies after a church event had ended, I noticed a bright yellow (not white, but a deeper yellow) light about the size of five or six stars combined. It was a clear night, so I could compare the object to the many stars that were out. The object remained motionless for about forty minutes. When I went to my bike it started moving in a loop towards me, it looked like it was descending towards earth. No one else was around since church had been out for about half an hour, and I hid in the long marsh grass. It flew directly over me and I could see tiny red, green, and white lights on the bottom of it and larger, more bright, yellow lights in a circle pattern on the bottom of it. There were no lights in the middle, but there was a combination of three figure eight patterns made with yellow light. The three figure eights were connected together and seemed to be coming from the large yellow lights. I have seen many airplanes, jets, satellites, and meteorites fly at all times of day since Ripon is located near Oshkosh. Oshkosh gets all kinds of planes from around the world for the EAA and I can tell the difference between planes and what I saw. I have never seen an aircraft just sit still for about forty minutes, then when you glance at it a second time it moves at a very fast speed towards you. What caused me to wonder what the object was is that I have never seen it before while looking for fireflies, and that the object was brighter, larger, and a different color then a star. As I was leaving I saw an object that looked the same as the first object out towards Oshkosh flying in an odd pattern. The object was raising its height, then lowering it (bobbing up and down). I was just wondering if anyone else in the Ripon area saw this strange object.

Note:The objects lights were in a disc shape, but I could not see the outline of the object due to the bright yellow lights. The object seemed to be less than 100 yards above my head, but it was hard to tell because I did not know the exact size of the object. If the object was a little less than 100 yards high, then it had around a 100 foot radius (assuming the lights were on the edge of the object). I compared the objects height to the roof of the church as it passed over it. As I noted before, the yellow lights were extremely bright and they made it impossible to see the outline of the object, only the smaller lights were noticeable with the large yellow ones.


It is unusual, in our opinion, for a UFO to remain motionless for an hour, although not impossible. If the report that the object moved swiftly across the sky is accurate, then it could not have been a celestial body. PD

Posted 2004-01-31

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