NUFORC UFO Sighting 34465

Occurred: 1987-07-04 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-01-14 21:24 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 4

Location: Frankford, MO, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

An acrobatic light show in a star lite sky.

First noticed by a younger companion during a camping trip. The light moved in a tight, wobbling fasion then would straighten out its path for a distance and stop. It would then fade from view. The location of the object was straight up. There was no moon to be seen. After a few seconds, the light would gradually re-appear in a different location then where it had disappeared and move across the sky in it's illregular fasion. Occasionally it would do perfect 90 degree turns without stopping. The lights of an aircraft flying at commercial jet height was spoted by us and at that time the light did another 90 degree turn and excellerated at an amazing rate and seemed to be intercepting the aircraft we spotted. It stopped short of the aircraft and again faded from view.

Watching the actions of this object gave us all the impression it was coming into our atmosphere too hot and had to exit. That might explain the difference in location of appearence when it would fade out. No one on this camping trip really had an active interest in U.F.O.'s or had seen anything they believed to be one. During the event, one member became pretty disturbed as he didn't believe in such things before that night but the actions of this object seemed to defy common laws of flight so he couldn't explain it away. I, personally, had never seen anything before or anything like that since. It was really interesting and even now, I look when the thought hits me but... no repeat performances.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-01-17

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