NUFORC UFO Sighting 34182
Occurred: 1979-07-01 19:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-12-28 17:08 Pacific
Duration: 1minute
No of observers: 0
Location: Whitman, MA, USA
Shape: Disk
As I was walking my dog up our front walk that
It was just before dark and my poodle needed go out to do his duty. A member of our family would always bring her by a leash and this time it was my turn. While walking down the flagstone walkway in the front with the dog I noticed the sky was clear and it was getting dark. The street lights came on. My small dog went behind a bush to do her thing as I stood waiting for her. My back was away from the house due to the fact that I was waiting. Finally she finished and it was time to turn around to start back at the house and that's when I saw this huge low humming thing hovering low between two trees. Needless to say I was a crazy Lady running up the walk and so was my poodle! My dog was whimpering pretty loudly she too was very frightened. When I ran in the house very scared I was telling my parents what I had saw needless to say by the time they looked out the window it was gone. For many years I have thought about this incident and thought maybe I was seeing things but then I said "I really did see something and it was something that I will NEVER FORGET. I am now 42 years old and still will not sleep by myself or sleep in the dark ever again. I found it very hard to believe that none of the neighbors saw this UFO because it was so huge. I thought was it only meant for me to see and if so why? Discovering this website was the conclusion to what I saw was real. I recently discovered that someone else from Whitman Ma. also saw something just like I did. I just read about his sighting on 12/28/03. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I wish I had his email address or phone number so that we could compare what we each saw. I Thank this Website for solving a puzzling problem about the UFO In the sky.
Time and date are approximate. PD
Posted 2004-01-17
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