NUFORC UFO Sighting 33810

Occurred: 2003-12-15 07:45 Local
Reported: 2003-12-15 03:39 Pacific
Duration: 15 mins
No of observers: 0

Location: Dublin (Republic of Ireland), , Ireland

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

rectangle of bright light and delta shaped craft noticed too

on my way to college this morning i was in a bus, i looked out the window and seen this rectangle of bright blue light high up in the sky i was startled because it didnt make sense it was way too low in the sky to be a star and was very bright and was obviously not a conventinal aircraft, then as i looked at it the light faded into nothing, then this delta shaped thing started flying from where the light had been quite fast to the right of my view at about 20 degreees east, i was in disbelief i lost view of it then because i was in the bus this thing was dark and delta shaped and had a light on three ends and one was blinking it was undeniably not a plane it was at about 2000ft, way to low for a comercial aircraft in an urban area, then about 10 mins later i noticed that rectangle of light in the sky to my left where i had seen it the first time i noticed it was moving as we were not gaining any ground on it as the bus was driving along i kept looking at it and then the light faded in a flash. i really couldnt believe this as i have studied the subject a bit and belive that they exist, you only really here of this in the states so im still numb that ive witnessed it first hand. belive me this is a genuine report and what i seeen this morning just doesnt add up with regaurds to normal aircraft.

Posted 2003-12-19

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